Crafting Success Through Inspiring Brand Narratives

In today’s messaging cacophony, where a human being is assaulted with at least 500 advertising messages per day, the initial few seconds a consumer engages with a brand becomes critical.


In today’s messaging cacophony, where a human being is assaulted with at least 500 advertising messages per day, the initial few seconds a consumer engages with a brand becomes critical. A brand in those few seconds must woo the consumer at laser speed. And in those few seconds, it must say something that would compel the consumer to discover more. Else the consumer walks out.

A Brand Idea is much like what Carmine Gallo says – a business must have a story succinct enough to be defined in a Twitter-friendly headline. Today, it’s critical for every brand to have one.

And, that’s where we jump in.  

We help businesses discover actionable and powerful Brand Ideas.

Founder, Communications Strategist
— Henry Moirang Sinha


Before setting-up LeapX, Henry had an immersive journey of almost two decades with leading agencies like Ogilvy, Leo Burnett, and TBWA India. 

Some of the brands, for whom Henry has led brand communication mandates include Vodafone, The Hindu, JK Lakshmi Cements, Pedigree, Panasonic, Tata Health, DotPe, Soundcore, Prakriti Shakti, Dainik Bhaskar, TVS Motors, Harman International to name a few. 

He helps organizations and brands with Brand Idea Discovery, Brand Framework, Go-To-Market Strategies, Community Building, and Brand Communications. 

Unconventional brand-building method for clients is what excites Henry.

A business must have a story succinct enough to be defined in a Twitter-friendly headline.

Carmine Gallo


We offer solutions that spark conversations, and business growth, and deliver client’s Brand Idea.


Brand Framework - Coloured Pine Cones

Brand Framework

We build a robust structure, taking into account long-term objectives of an organization, to help run it’s creative and communications endeavors with efficiency, and spell out the organizational covenants in inspiring terms for all stakeholders, so that they function with clarity and concerted efforts.

Brand Idea - Hand Holding a Lightbulb

Brand Idea Discovery​

If you get different points of view on what your brand stands for from different members of your organization, and your consumer, see the red flag. It means you are breeding conflicting views on some of the key aspects of your brand which can result to sprayed and futile marketing efforts. As an organization we are passionate advocates of the Brand Idea construct. A Brand Idea is the ‘Guiding Light’ with which you can engage, manage both internal and external reputation of your organization, with extraordinary ease.

Content Management​

We specialize in creating content that forges meaningful connections with your existing customers, enhances your business development goals, builds the intended aura for your organization or hammers thought leadership. And all these, with a media-agnostic filter.

Brand Communications - Old Telephone

Brand Communications​

We have seasoned brand communication leaders who craft platform-specific or integrated communications to communicate your Brand Promise with razor-sharp accuracy; evoke, provoke or nudge the consumer to respond in the way your brand wants to. Whether you need a webinar, an event, a PR article, a newsletter, or a Podcast, LeapX can deploy the most effective medium to deliver the message. Brand campaigns, Brand launches, awareness campaigns, or Social Media conversations, you would get expert hands to manage the mandate.

Leadership Branding - Chess Pieces

Personal Branding​

Crafting a humane yet believable ‘Personal Brand Idea’, building authority through specific platforms, and ultimately helping them make the desired impact. LeapX deploys customized strategies to help leaders, individuals arrive at powerful personal narratives.

Community Building - Hands Holding Balloon

Community Building

How do you transition your brand to a stage where it transcends the barriers of pricing or SEO? Well, nurture passionate advocates. Community Building is a fantastic tool to help a brand build its reputation through 'word of mouth' or 'word of mouse' in an organic way.

Why LeapX

Laptop, Coffee and Book
Multidisciplinary Creative Thinking
We curate and collaborate with the talent to configure teams to solve clients’ marketing and business challenges.  LeapX tries to bring multidisciplinary creative thinking by integrating perspectives beyond the industry. So, you would find poets, journalists, graphic designers, fashion designers, filmmakers, musicians, theater artists along with seasoned marketers, copywriters, graphic designers, or meme artists working with us.
Brand Idea Practitioners
We are passionate advocates of the Brand Idea Construct, which facilitates clarity, sharper thinking leading to solution-led brand communications or initiatives.
Human Obsessed
Our culture is of human obsession. The need to know the client’s consumer is the anchor around which LeapX operates. How do we ensure our clients are advancing their consumer’s meta-story, is what we focus on.
Senior Led Mandate Management

All our mandates are fronted by seasoned marketing campaign leaders, brand communications specialists, and creative leaders. They can go beyond the brief and truly partner clients in achieving their business and marketing objectives both in terms of strategic thinking and operations.

Process Led
LeapX has well defined processes in place to run mandates. From weaving salience, helping clients arrive at powerful propositions, to running the accounts from an operations perspective, we have a well-oiled machinery to handle these aspects.